Eco Kids

Do you have children or have an interest in helping our kids learn to appreciate and enjoy the great outdoors, natural habitats and wildlife? 

We are seeing how today’s culture tends to encourage greater and greater portions of our children’s time in cyberspace, social media, and generally having little to no exposure to the beauty and wonders of nature.  This is very different from when most of us grew up, and the long term effects on their sense of appreciation and respect for nature are of increasing concern. 

Will they be prepared to protect the delicate ecosystem we depend on in the decades and centuries to come, as the population continues to grow and natural areas continue to diminish and degrade?

Kids in woods
Credit: Ben Lee / WTML

As participants in our South Wake Conservationists chapter of the NC Wildlife Federation, you have already demonstrated both a sincere interest and concern for natural habitats and wildlife.  It is even more important that we educate and inspire the next generation and generations to come to carry on that appreciation and interest.

Engage the younger generation to develop a lifelong appreciation of the natural habitat and wildlife, learn, explore, and have fun in the outdoors.

Eco Kids Mission

Please watch the calendar for Eco Kids activities and events and join us as a family to explore and appreciate the wonders of nature together!

Join us for:

  • Annual Kids in Nature Day festival (May)
  • Nature hikes
  • Moth night
  • Pond exploration
  • Animal activities
  • Pond exploration
  • Nature crafts
  • and more!